Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Vacation prep week 5

1 month in and I am finally starting to see some results. I know I haven't posted a picture of my before yet, but that's because I am so embarrassed at what I looked like before. Besides going to my core cross fit class twice a week, I have added cardio after the class, and changed my eating habits dramatically. I am a sucker for sugar and carbs. So whenever I get hungry, I automatically navigate towards the bread, cake, or chocolate I have sitting around. I am proud to say, I bought halloween candy last week and I haven't even eaten a piece.

What have I been eating?

Meat. Veggies. Fruit. That's it. I usually have a protein shake in the morning and one after my class to help recover. I use the Melaleuca chocolate protein with natural peanut butter in it. I get the taste of chocolate without all the sugar and added calories I crave so often.

Am I beach ready?

Definitely not. I am trying my best to be acceptable in a bikini before our cruise in December. I am no where near any fitness model, or NBA cheerleader, but I am improving myself each day and that's all I care about. I have noticed a change in attitude lately along with a change in my body.

I am starting to view sugar as a drug. We all get addictions- some are drugs and alcohol- but mine is sugar. It affects my attitude, my body, and my overall perspective of myself. Obviously I haven't given up sugar entirely. But, I have changed a lot of my eating habits and noticed a lot of changes in my body because of my decision. My jeans are starting to fit so nice- I actually have a somewhat lifted butt again- and my love handles aren't spilling over like they usually do. It takes quite some time to see a big change in your body, but I am determined to increase my time at the gym, and healthy food I eat everyday.

Here are my befores- please don't judge- I'm definitely not perfect and my bathroom is most definitely a mess :) These were taken before I started working out more and eating differently 5 weeks ago.

I took a few different angles in two separate swimsuits because they fit differently. 

I will post some pictures weekly as I remember. :)

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