New year means a new you! Tyson and I started our new workout program. We've been paleo for about a year, and our current workout routine just isn't doing in for us. So, after much deliberation, we decided on the Kayla Itsines Workout.
Back in July I went to Chicago to visit my sister. She introduced me to the Kayla Itsine workouts and lets face it, I was just too cheap to purchase the program. Now, its only $70US, but in the summer, I wasn't working a lot and we needed to save every penny and dime we could.
Fast forward 6 months. After a very personal event that took a toll on both Tyson and I, we decided our bodies needed a good cleanse and the Kayla workouts were the perfect way to do it. So, who is Kayla Itsines and why are her workouts so great? First of all, if you aren't already, you need to follow her on Instagram and Facebook. The transformation photos alone will get you to sign up and have you committed before you can say bikini. Second, Kayla Itsines is from Australia. A fitness guru with fantastic results and a very structured plan, this girl has got her stuff together! And, I believe she's only 23!
***Kayla's AWESOME website and workout program!!!!***
Anyways, I don't know what it is about them, but those trainers from Australia are HOT and only inspire me to do my best and have a goal to work toward! So, without further procrastination (because we all know that's what I'm best at) let me introduce you to the world of Kayla Itsines.
She's a regular person. I know, hard to believe with THAT bod. She studied to be a personal trainer, and soon after graduation, found that some of the workouts left her with something to be desired. She was still unhappy with her body, and found there were a few things that she would like to change. So, instead of hiring someone like herself, she took matters into her own hands and created the BBG (Bikini Body Guide). Now, I know men probably aren't reading this, but this isn't just for us women! It's for anyone and everyone that wants to improve their body through targeted exercise and healthy nutrition. She's basically done the hard work for you, its just up to you to perform and follow through!
My husband and I have committed to her 12-week program! I've done two of the workouts and continue to be sore for DAYS! It hurts SOO GOOD! Anyways, have a look at her amazing website and join the movement!
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