Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eminence-Handmade Organic Skin Care of Hungary

Wow. Today I had the opportunity to attend a quick introduction course on Eminence- a handmade organic skincare line based out of Hungary. I know, I know. Another company that claims to be organic. But honest, this one really is! Many people are skeptical about using an organic skin care line because they don't think they will receive the benefits or see any results as they would their regular product now, and, let's be honest, the price of organic products is ridiculous. Eminence is a different story.

Quick background: Eminence has property where they grow their own product, and hand cut, squeeze and bottle the ingredients into the jars- without using machines! Seems a little third world, don't you think? NOPE! Hungary is the leader in esthetics education and products in the world! So, naturally this is where Eminence was born. They focus on using organic products that go straight from the vine, to your jar. Majority of the time, you can even see pieces of the fruit such as pulp, skin, even seeds that are in the jar because its that fresh! They don't use large machines or have a machine-line bottling your product. It's individually done but a pro! Not only are the products organic, but the company is too. They utilize energy sources such as windmills and solar power in order to run their business.

Back to my experience. The Eminence rep explained to us some of the main ingredients used in their most effective, and most purchased products. What goes into the products are ingredients we can actually pronounce. Acai Berry, Licorice Root, Stone Crop, Chamomile, Rosemary, Cucumber juice. So, how do they get their products from Hungary to say... Utah without the product going bad? They utilize natural preservatives in order to keep the shelf life- by natural, I mean natural- Lemon, Zinc, Honey. How much more organic can you get?

So why are organic products so beneficial to our skin? Eminence states it is because of the 'cold press'- meaning its similar to the raw food diet but for your face. LOVE IT! With each product series, let's say... with for anti-aging... your Eminence esthetician will suggest a cleanser, exfoliant, masque, and moisturizer for your specific end goal. An added bonus? Vitamins that will help clear your issue from the inside out. I can't think of another company that does that... and organically!

Now, the price? Sheesh. In order to obtain a result-driven product, you should expect to pay around $7-$10 a month. HA! Eminence is right in that range. Their cleansers typically last 3-4 months, so it's actually cheaper than that bar soap you are using in the shower.

I'm hoping to go to a training in May where I will expand my knowledge on the new company. But, if you are interested in any of their products, take a look at the Eminence Handmade Organic Skincare website.

Another addition? Celebrities swear by this skincare line!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I was recently sitting in a salon, and had someone approach me about skin care- exfoliation in specific. Her main question was 'Why can't I use Apricot Scrub to exfoliate my face?'. As an esthetician, skin care is so important, and knowing the correct skin care, and why we can't use something like this is key to helping your skin.

So, let's start from the beginning.

Why is exfoliation so important?

Your skin has a specific cell turn over rate which means your skin develops new skin cells over a certain period of time. If you do not slough your skin of the dead skin cells, it will build up, often clogging your pores and causing skin damage. So, exfoliate!

How do I pick the right exfoliant?

You will want an exfoliant that is very mild on the face. If your exfoliant scrub has beads larger than a grain of sand, chuck it! Those will be too harsh for your face. For younger, less damaged skin, use a larger bead exfoliant. I like to use The Ultimate Scrub, which I carry in my spa. I exfoliate once a week. For older, more sensitive skin, you will want a very fine exfoliant. You will also want to exfoliate more often, 2 to 3 times a week. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, you can simply mix 1/4 tsp Baking soda with water. Apply to face, and massage for one minute, then rinse with water. 

So why not apricot scrub?

The ingredients in the apricot scrub are too large and too harsh for the face. It's a great exfoliant for the heals, elbows, and knees, but for the face you will want a more gentle scrub. Your face is the part of your body everyone sees. You don't wear a shirt over it. You don't wear socks on your face. It is so sensitive and you want to ensure you are using quality products on that area of your body. Using too harsh of products can actually have the reverse effect on your skin- thickening the skin, breaking down your stratum corneum *first layer of your epidermis*, causing permanent skin damage. 

What should I use for my body?

I have made a variety of Pinterest inspired recipes for body exfoliants. Here are a few of my favorites! 

Brown sugar scrub: 

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Mix all together and keep in shower. 

You can put in any flavor you want when it comes to the smell of the scrub. 

1 cup Epsom salt
1 tsp grapefruit essential oil 
3 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

This is more harsh, so make sure you only use this once every week. 

Want smoother skin after you shave? Exfoliate the day before you shave, this will ensure hairs are fully exposed to the shaver. 

Good luck!